Hello and welcome! We love to connect with you and share our thoughts in present time.

Happily! The chilly days of winter are starting to shift and the days are becoming longer. Yay! The sun’s love & warmth can be felt in our body and the possibilities of new spring growth have us excited to move forward. We are inspired!

Spring Folklore: Festivals like the Gaelic Imbolc have been celebrated at the beginning of spring. The Imbolc festival is one of hearth and home with the element of fire playing a major role. Saint Brighid is represented within the festival as a goddess of fertility and one who keeps the hearth fires burning. She is called upon and asked to bless homes and protect livestock. She represents the inner power that brings people out of the dark winter season and into the light of spring.

Using this Celtic seasonal ritual as a reminder to tend to our own inner hearth fire and plant the seeds of spring that are filled with our inspirations, dreams and desires. In doing this, we set our new intentions. All things are possible!

How do we begin? First, we must feel grounded and fully present. Grounding can feel difficult or unimportant, yet it’s quite the opposite. When we have more of our own energy available for ourselves, we are empowered
and we make good decisions. Use golden earth’s chakra 1 oil or our single note vetiver to help you feel more grounded. Breathe in with the intention of grounding and know that you are grounded. As you are doing this, it’s a good time to release any energy that no longer serves you, and call your authentic self into present time. Now you’re set to play in this space. What do you wish to manifest in your life? All things are possible!

Love yourself! ~ It’s helpful to Release old patterns that no longer serve you such as sweeping our true feelings aside and pretending things are fine doesn’t work so well.  It lowers our self esteem and self worth. We are entering a time when being our authentic self is appreciated and valued. Living in a daily drama does not feed our soul and is not helpful for cultivating a healthy life. Neither is fixating on a certain result, life is about living and life happens along the way. Learning to be neutral to all the events in our lives is important.

New Beginnings!!! ~ Pondering new beginnings can bring up excitement, fantasy and sometimes fear. We may feel vulnerable and fearful to the energy of the unknown. The future is not here yet and our demand for security and certainty seems to take over. As we learn to empower ourselves, we need to be gentle and open. We need to learn to trust that we are always exactly where we are meant to be. You are prefect the way you are! Live in love, peace, harmony and joy!


~”When we feel we are limited, we become limited.
When we feel we are unlimited, we become unlimited.”~

J. Yogi Bhajan




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