It’s a New Year ~ and I have a new blog!

My name is Elizabeth Golden and I am an aromatherapist and the founder of an extraordinary line of essential oils and body care products. I am a spontaneous person and I really enjoy this online format where I can share my knowledge, experience and intuitive healing insights with you.

This blog will be a place where I share information and education, where you can learn a bit more about Aromatherapy, and where you can come for a bit of self-reflection and healing. I’ve been blessed to work with flower and plant essences for many years, and I am so excited to share what I have learned with you.

2012 has brought in a new vibration that inspires creativity, growth, connection and miraculous healing. This is a good time to think about self-care, and the many ways in which we can nurture our own bodies to keep us strong and vibrant. It’s also a good time to consciously connect with others of like mind, so I invite you to connect with me and with the Golden Earth community here.

I believe that conscious communication is needed on the planet more than ever. Together, we ignite and tend the creative fires that move humanity forward.

Check back often. I’ll be sharing the thoughts and ideas closest to my heart and I’ll also be asking for your thoughts, your insights, your ideas… your presence.
I hope you’ll add your own creative inspiration to the mix by leaving your comments on the Blog or Facebook page.

Gratefully ~ until next time,
