The Power of being at one with nature

Being outdoors is so powerful!   When we do a simple thing like taking a stroll in the park, it gives us so much more than we are aware of and it gives us time to breathe and stay present in the moment.  This helps us create space to process anything we may be working on or integrating into our lives.   Many life events can cause us to loose our emotional balance and push us off of our center or cause stress or an over reaction to a simple dilemma.  Chakra 3 oil is great for calming the mind and giving space to relax.  It’s like sunshine in a bottle!

Have you ever experienced an “aha” moment?  All of the sudden something that you have been thinking about for awhile becomes crystal clear.  What a great feeling when you feel like you have resolved yet another issue that really wasn’t so difficult after all.  When we honor ourselves by giving ourselves space to process, miracles can happen!   When we are holding on so tightly to our stories and we are unable to let go.  We stay stuck and the thoughts repeat themselves over and over like a broken record.  We start to believe them and think that they are real when in fact they are just a memory and memories are not always recorded correctly.  The first thing to do is ground, and this is where Golden Earth makes this super easy with Chakra oil 1. Just a sniff and life seems to be a little better and the body becomes more at ease.  This helps you remember who you are in present time. chakra 1 with flowers 2012 cropped

Using essential oils helps us on a subtle/energetic level which supports us to open and create space within ourselves so that we can take our next steps.  Creating this opening is how we allow shifts to occur within ourselves.  Having the awareness, permission and openness awakens our bodies to begin to align and heal themselves. 

A note on aromatherapy:
Aromatherapy stimulates our olfactory system; the sensory system used in our sense of smell.  Olfactory nerves have a direct connection to our body’s limbic system, which is responsible for our body’s behavior, emotions & memory.  So, it isn’t surprising that smelling different oils or blends remind us of somewhere or someone and how our emotions can shift upon smelling them.  Remember that our sense of smell is the strongest of all our senses. 

Enjoy the warmth of summer and use your Golden Earth essential oils to uplift and balance yourself!

With much love, appreciation and many blessings


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