April showers bring May flowers… and Mother’s day!

Happy Mother’s day to all mothers!  I want to acknowledge all kinds of mother’s ~ those who give birth, as well as those who nurture and care for  others, for animals, and for the earth.  Many blessings to all mothers for a beautiful, happy day!

Nature is so magnificent at this time of year.  Have you walked down a street and passed a beautiful flower garden that completely captivated your senses by the amazing aroma?  This is the power of flower essences to awaken and heal the senses… and spring is the perfect time to delight in all the beauty of floral aromas!

Among the most fragrant and therapeutic of flowers are Rose (Rosa Damascena) and Jasmine (Jasminum Grandiflorum).

Roses! Roses! Roses!  We all love them; they smell amazing and carry the highest vibration of all the flowers.  They are truly very special!  The reason rose is so expensive to procure is due the remote origins in areas of Bulgariaand Turkey. Rosa Damascena is deeply healing and considered an “all purpose” oil due to its ability to help balance our mood (and diffuses depression, grief and fear); rose supports the heart chakra, soothes the digestive system, and nourishes the skin.  Plus they are visually beautiful!

Jasmine, an extremely delicate flower that delivers benefits which far exceed its delightful, exotic aroma. Use Jasmine to uplift your senses, for deep relaxation, to tone and nourish the skin and reduce the appearance of stretch marks or scars, for the relief of stress or anxiety, and to help boost confidence and wellbeing.

Aromatherapy engages the energies – or essences – of plants which are healing and revitalizing to the body.  Just a drop of essential oil will create a distinct vibration as it engages with a person’s own energy.

I encourage you to play with the floral oils, exploring to find out which are the most healing and beneficial for you.

Until next time,
