“Summertime and the livin’s easy…”

Most of us are experiencing a gentle shift into summer.  Yay! The weather is warmer and we are inspired to spend a lot more time outside.  We start to get creative about ways to be in the warm sunshine.  We take nice walks in nature, on the beach or just around the block.  We invite our friends and family to join in celebrations just for fun.  Summer is all about enjoyment, laughing, feel good moments, good food, exercise and exploring the beauty of our planet.  Whether it’s a vacation across the world or a stay~cation, we all enjoy Mother Earth’s beauty including new plant life, beautiful flowers, birds, the ocean, mountains and maybe even some wild animals.

Summer seems to give all of us a much needed rest so that we can rejuvenate and summer spend time with the people we love.  It’s a gift to be able to do that!  Summer also gives us time to reflect on our lives and breathe.  Many of us go through life so quickly that we don’t stop to smell the roses or stop long enough to say “hello” to ourselves.  Self care is vital; many people who give to others are unable to give to themselves.  Receiving is just as important as giving.  If we can’t receive then we cut off our flow from the limitless source in universe.

balanceBalance is the key to everything we do.  If we are out of balance then we are putting more stress and pressure on ourselves than needed.  To become aware of the moments that you do this is important if you want to make any positive changes in your life.  Golden Earth chakra oils were created to help all of us become mindful and stay in balance.  Having awareness is the first step toward transformation of any kind.  You can use beautiful essential oils to help create that for you, its positive reinforcement for your body, mind and spirit when you use aromatherapy.
A note on aromatherapy:  chakra-7-model

Aromatherapy stimulates our olfactory system; the sensory system used in our sense of smell.  Olfactory nerves have a direct connection to our body’s limbic system, which is responsible for our body’s behavior, emotions & memory.  So, it isn’t surprising that smelling different oils or blends can remind us of somewhere or someone and how our emotions can shift upon smelling the essential oils.  Our sense of smell is the strongest of all our senses.

Happy, Happy Summer!!
With much gratitude, love and many blessings
