The beautiful fresh winter air holds an incredible energy filled with excitement and swirling with magic, it’s a feeling that “anything is possible”! Can you feel it? The expression “beyond your wildest dreams” seems to sum it up! What are your wildest dreams? What stops you from achieving them or believing them? Is there a story line you have told yourself that prevents you from manifesting your dreams? Are there times when we talk ourselves into believing things about ourselves that are not true? If we are aware of this negative or false self talk, are we willing to change it and turn our story around? Each one of us is a creative being with the amazing ability to attract everything we want! Sometimes, we just get stuck somewhere along the way. So, how do we get un-stuck?

Winter feels like the right time to go within, to re-write some of the stories that no longer serve us. It’s a time to invite some magic into our lives and create a new story line, a story that empowers each of us to feel supported in every way possible, be it financially, romantically, emotionally, spiritually, or physically. Sometimes we just need to allow space for ourselves so that the next step in our personal evolution can reveal itself.

As the winter solstice approaches, beckoning us with a cold wind and letting us know that winter has arrived and the season has changed. This change of season presents us with the suns shortest performance of the year, and as we are all aware it is the end of the Mayan calendar, which is causing a bit of commotion and uncertainty…did you know that the Mayan calendar is shaped like a wheel? When it reaches the end it simply returns to the beginning. All these energies of change support us in our quest to open ourselves to receiving the gifts from spirit. How do we utilize these energies for our highest good? By letting go, surrendering and allowing ourselves to be supported by the divine and stepping into our new beginning. Gratitude for all that we are and all that we have and for all that is working in our lives, acknowledging those we are grateful for and allowing everyone to be where they are on their path and have compassion. We are all one!

We wish each of you a beautiful holiday filled with many blessings, miracles, magic and abundance for all.

P.S.  chakra 3 is a wonderful treat for yourself!  The energy of the third chakra encourages us to trust ourselves and the world around us, It inspires confidence, personal power and freedom, forgiveness of ourselves and others and allows us to go with the flow of life.