Courage! We are all courageous, graceful and powerful beyond our imagination!

What does it mean to be courageous? Some of us may envision a warrior type with upright shoulders & a firm chin, while others are spiritual warriors and some are earth warriors tending to the earth and what she needs. There are many types of warriors and if we use our imagination we can all think of many ways that warriors help with our planet and people.

When we are challenged, what brings us strength, clarity or certainty? How do we live our life courageously with grace?

Having all of our chakras in alignment is a wonderful way to start, when you are balanced and feel like you have your certainty, clarity and grace, life goes a lot better.

CitrineThe awareness of our third chakra is important. All the chakras are important but today, we will focus on chakra 3. Known in Sanskrit as Manipura; City of Jewels or Lustrous Gem. When we connect with our third chakra, which is located about 2 inches above the naval; it’s a great way to connect to your personal power center. This supports us in activating our courageous warrior self. If we can connect to this energy center consciously on a daily basis, it will allow us to be in our own energy and our own inner warrior. This chakra provides us with our own answers, especially when it’s not filtering other people’s thoughts, feelings or unconscious energy. When this chakra is clear, the energy can flow and any energy that is not originally ours will fall away when we have our awareness and clarity. We can rely on this chakra for our own answers and to support us before taking action in our lives. We are the only one that knows what will work for us, we all have all of our own answers and we just need to listen. No one other than ourselves can truly know what is right or best for us. We must design our own life as if we were to design a treasure map. Our life is a treasure and we need to cherish and honor who we are. We are all perfect!!

Another beneficial way to keep your third chakra strong is through exercise. And, it’s easy…a simple exercise connects you to your core, igniting muscles that awaken that place within each of us. Dancing is a great way to connect to our third chakra, it helps us shake off anything that no longer serves us along with any excess energy we may be holding for others. This allows our true self to emerge.

Golden Earth’s Chakra 3 oil is a beautiful blend of Neroli with Citrine crystal infusion.  Citrine is known as a stone of success, facilitating positive energy and  abundance in all areas.

Golden Earth’s Chakra 3 oil is a beautiful blend
of Neroli with Citrine crystal infusion. Citrine
is known as a stone of success, facilitating
positive energy and abundance in all areas.


Meditation is another way and Golden Earth’s chakra oil 3 is a super simple way to stay balanced. Using chakra 3 oil and working with this energy center is beneficial for all of us.

If you have golden earth’s chakra 3 essential oil, please use it during this short meditation as follows:




Give yourself a moment to imagine a beautiful warm golden sunset…glowing, warm, inviting, refreshing and healing, see this in your imagination. Now, close your eyes if you wish and feel the breeze and the warmth on your skin. Now imagine that warm golden color, like that of citrine, and imagine that beautiful golden color is cleansing and re-filling your third chakra. Your third chakra is responding by awakening to its most divine level. Give yourself a few deep breaths allowing this color to permeate every part of this energy center and then imagine it expanding throughout your whole body & out to the layers of your aura. Relax in this beautiful space you created for a few minutes and ask for answers or any information that may be helpful for you at this time. Allow yourself to be open to the experience; you may hear words, sounds or connect with a feeling or you may see some images. Take a few more moments to integrate this meditation & information you received & then gently open your eyes.

Enjoy the rest of your summer and use your chakra oils from Golden Earth to stay balanced.

With much love, appreciation and many blessings,