It’s time to bid a grateful farewell to the warmth of summer and turn our attention toward autumn, and the astrological transition from Virgo’s organized & organic nature into Libra’s sense of balance & on to Scorpio’s sense of passion.

In other cultures, Saraswati, an Indian mythological goddess, sometimes associated with the autumn season is praised and worshiped for sharing her gifts of creative flow & creative inspiration.

Autumn is the time of the equinox, and this energy supports us during the time of harvest. Whether its fruit or vegetables, or perhaps the creative seeds we have planted within ourselves. It’s time to bring all things that we have cultivated to fruition. And agriculturally speaking, this is the time that marks the end of the growing season. Many celebrations and much gratitude is given to Mother Earth for all the bountiful crops that were produced.

For all of us on our life path, it’s a good time to reflect and validate ourselves for our accomplishments, hard work and the time to enjoy what we have manifested. Plus a little time to rest and pause for a moment.

While the tending of crops may not apply to most of us, we are tending to our life, which includes ourselves, our home, work, play, and our families. Are we able to balance ourselves between hard work and planting the seeds of creation in new ideas or concepts? In support of each one of us the second chakra helps us balance our creativity, emotions and helps us bring heaven to earth. When we are in balance it is done with ease.

Our second chakra (sacral) is located 2″ below our navel and it’s all about creation, passion and feelings. The second chakra sometimes called the “abode of self” is about being comfortable and connecting within ourselves, expressing our imagination, and creating space to manifest our desires. This alone can bring about wonderful transformation and allow a metamorphosis to occur.

When you look at yourself, how does creativity show up in your life? How does it feel to create? Are you creating miracles in your life? Are you aware of the miracles happening all around you? By tuning into our second chakra we create the space for creation to happen. The 2nd chakra is supported by the colors and scents of autumn…Cinnamon, cardamom, yams, and the gracefulness and colors of falling leaves plus the beautiful colors of the sunset.

It’s easy to awaken awaken and inspire the 2nd chakra, golden earth’s chakra 2 essential oil with a carnelian crystal infusion helps balance the second chakra.  It’s perfect to wear everyday with the uplifting exotic scent of Jasmine and other precious essentials oils which create a blend of “intoxicating beauty”.  Jasmine re-awakens creativity and sensuality and inspires passion and love.  golden earth carries Jasmine essential oil as a single note too!

In addition, crystals such as carnelian, mookaite or red jasper support the 2nd chakra and have healing properties that aid our creativity by encouraging, protecting, motivating, strengthening & grounding us.


Self care is vital, we have to tend to our own garden of the self to become whole and complete. Creativity is a huge part of who we are, and in order to access our creativity with ease it’s helpful to be in balance. The holidays will be here soon and it’s a great opportunity to express ourselves creatively through cooking, decorating, writing; drawing etc…It’s a great time to connect to ourselves and feel the love that resides within and envision our hearts desire and create it in full manifestation. It’s a beautiful time of year to celebrate yourself and all the blessings that you have. Enjoy the next few months!  Be Well!